Everyone has that one special show. The one that makes you laugh, the one that makes you cry and the one that you practicaly beg to fall into. So for my first official post I'm sharing with you my favourite show, you will gradually learn more about my obsession with fictional characters and television shows.
So today's post is about Dance Academy. Dance Academy is an Australain television show currently finishing it's last season, there has previously been 2 others. The show started in 2010 and I have been addicted ever since, following the story of Tara, Christian, Kat, Abigail, Ethan, Sammy, Ben, Ollie and Grace. Dance Academy has been a journey and I can't believe it will be over soon, even though I'm not a dancer I am completely obsessed and I don't want to end, my emotional attachment may not take it.
Dance Academy follows the story of dancers attedning the National Academy of Dance, the sites in which they filmed the Academy may not be the real National Academy but that did not stop me from posing and taking photos on the places where the show was set, soaking in everything that has happened along those streets, desperately wishing with all my heart that one of the characters would happen to stroll along the edge of Sydney Harbour on their way to class.
The National Academy is like the last 3 years of High School so you do year 10, 11 and 12 at the Academy as well as dancing. The group experiences so much and through their ups and downs we see how their friendships and relationships strengthen and how they face everything that happens in their lives. Do not beleive any social stigma that this is a children's show, it's lies I tell you. Fall in love with the characters, take a minute to view the breathtaking beauty of Sydney and admire the dancers, the dancing and the marvel that is Dance Academy.
Welcome to my blog. My name is Lauren and well welcome. I'm not 100% sure what I'm meant to write here but thank you for stumbling on my blog and I hope you stay.