Hello 2020! Another New Year’s Post

March 21, 2020

Here I am, back again! Writing a post on my blog about the New Year. Probably the only consistent thing on this blog.

As a short disclaimer, I discovered this post in March but I promise I wrote it in January and have been subconsciously working on these goals since then.

Annnnnd, on with the blog post…

I’m not the biggest fan of setting New Years Resolutions, I’m not sure whether it’s because I think they are a bit of a cliché or maybe it’s something about putting them into the universe that seems scary and a little daunting to me? But there’s also something I enjoy about writing resolutions.

I find (and I think the last three years are proof of this) that by the time I get to the end of the year, I’ve completely forgotten any of the resolutions that I’ve set. This can then mean two things, I either a) have actually completed all my resolutions without knowing them or b) not completed any of them becauuuuse I forgot to go and look back and see what I wrote…classic me!

So 2020 here are my non-resolutions but kind of resolutions because as a human being I enjoy crossing things off lists and setting goals!

1.    Master manual driving

This has been a long-term goal of mine, but my parents have recently purchased a new car and said that their older car is now mine to use! Which is super exciting and very generous of them…but is probably the kick up the butt that I have been needing to get my butt into gear (pun intended) and learn how to drive manual.

2.    Read 25 books

As per last year, I have the goal of reading 25 books! The background for this goal was that from literally 2002-2012 I read 25 books a year, literally as a child!!! But now as an adult I can barely pick a book. Last year I read 17, which is close but not quite there yet.

3.    Take more photographs – on film, on my camera or on my phone

There’s something about capturing memories and looking back on them that I really, really love. Francesca’s sister Gabriella got me so excited to do one second everyday again and I have already loved looking back on those memories from the past year. I don’t know whether I think it’s something about being scared I’m going to forget OR maybe because I’m just sentimental – but either way, I want to capture more memories.

4.    Be more conscious with my purchases and with what I consume. 

WEAR my clothes, think about plastic and try and think about what I’m eating. I think this is a big theme for everyone this year, but I want to make a conscious effort to genuinely think more about these things.

5.    Love

Need I say anymore?

6.    Be thankful

There is so much in my life that I am grateful and thankful for! And gosh damn I am so lucky to be where I am today. Life is beautiful – sometimes hard, but it’s beautiful.

7.    Drink more water

I think this is something that goes without saying. It’s better for your skin, your health blah blah blah…so I will do my very best to drink more water.

8.    Travel

Re-reading this in March, I don’t know what this really looks like anymore. The current state of the world is really confusing – but this year I have been lucky enough to already travel to Melbourne and Hobart! But who knows what the rest of the year will hold – hopefully I’ll be able to see some more of the world, but I guess there’s always next year.

9.    Practice Italian

I would like to know some more Italian words to attempt to try and follow the conversations that Francesca’s grandparents have. They make such an effort to speak English to me – but I would like to make more of an effort to understand what they’re saying! Duolingo! Daily Italian Phrase Book! Italian here we come.

10. Work hard

Another statement that kind of goes without saying! I want to keep working my little butt off.

11. Exercise  

I want to move my body more! I don’t want to feel out of breath every time I have to run somewhere and I’m sick of feeling weak. I don’t want to do anything crazy ie. I still want to eat and drink what I want but I just want to make some little changes in my lifestyle.