"The sea, once it casts it's spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." - Jacques Yves Cousteau
The 'sea' is defined as an expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds it's land masses.
I was always told that people found the sea to be a calming force and to be honest, I could never understand what they meant. Recently I spent a week at the beach and prior to that I spent the weekend at a place that was 10 minutes from the beach, and if I learnt anything during my vacations, it's that the sea is one of the most calming parts of our natural world.
When I was younger I used to be obsessed with the any books written by Shirley Barber. One of my personal favourites was the one which she wrote about two children that lived by the sea. In this story the children were able to venture under the sea where a beautiful mermaid lived, and as I write this post I can't help but to think back to that book. I can't stop imaging the world in which Shirley created. The illustrations depicted a city of lights surrounded by coral and life, and it really does make you question what's under the sea.
My bucket list consists of things I want to do and places I want to go, and one of the major goals for me is to go to the Great Barrier Reef, which is one of Australia's natural most beautiful heritage listed landmarks which is located in Northern Queensland. The Great Barrier Reef is known for it's breathtaking beauty and now the thirst for me to go there is stronger then ever.
The sea is a place of fascination and overall mystery, and I'm dying to go back.
The following photos were taken on South Melbourne Pier, as the waves crashed.
images taken by me on my Canon 1200D.