Thinking about January

January 15, 2019

We were sitting around the table at work having our usual Monday morning meeting and my boss turned to us and asked what our 2019 resolutions were. Everyone’s favourite question in January. 

My colleagues mentioned the usual “I plan on going to the gym more,” “I want to eat healthier,” “travel more etc” – pretty stock standard New Year’s Resolutions. 

Then when she turned to me, I was the first to say, I actually didn’t make any resolutions. To be completely honest with you I think some of my colleagues thought I was making a political statement or taking a stand, breaking the norm and what not. 

However, if we’re being completely honest I didn’t even think about what I wanted to do with myself this year or where I wanted to go. I didn’t set myself goals or setting myself up for failure by going to the gym 7 times a week. 

Whilst I have work goals and to do lists every day I hadn’t thought about the small things that I want to achieve in 2019 besides my usual travel more, read more, write more and take more photos. 

After we sat back down at our desks and I began to write my To Do list for the day, our New Years Resolutions chat stayed on my mind. I thought about something I could set myself or something I could do and to be honest I got side-tracked and hadn’t given it any further thought till I began to write about it. 

Tonight I got to thinking about the New Year and everything that comes along with it. The fresh start the goals and the nature of New Years resolutions. This meant, I took a trip down memory lane and looked back on my resolutions from last year (aka my last Blogpost…). 

My last years resolutions included things like; read more books, make my bed every day, put more effort into Instagram etc. It’s pretty safe to say besides writing more (sorry blog), I had a somewhat solid attempt at my resolutions. 

For me I want 2019 to be a year of growth, whilst last year brought a great deal of changes (both positive and negative) to my life, I feel like there was a lack of personal growth and development of myself outside my relationship and work. I want to bring back some of the characteristics of my personality that I lost during Uni, parts of myself that I adored in High School and somewhere along the transition to adulthood sort of missed the boat. 
I want to end 2019 feeling accomplished and loving myself. With risk of sounding wanky, I want to love the person I am becoming and feel like I have further developed the parts of my personality that make me, me! 

I want to write more, love more, live more, share more, take more photographs, read more books and not put unnecessary amount of pressure on myself. 

Looking at where I am now compared to where I am a year ago is a pretty incomparable. From travelling to the city of my dreams and falling in love to getting a full time job and from car accidents to saying goodbye to my beautiful dog – 2018 tested me in more ways then I will ever be able to comprehend. 

My life is nothing like what it was this time last year, or even two years ago and that’s okay. Whilst scary, change is okay and change is good. 

So in summary, resolutions or not, I want to end 2019 in a position where I am proud and ready for 2020. 

PS. Since writing this post I have come up with five, ‘Non-Resolutions.’ 
1. Read 25 books (I used to read 25 books a year from aged 5-15, why can’t I do that as an adult?) 
2. Travel to new places (whether this be Australia or International, I am looking forward to exploring the world a little more)
3. Take more photographs (a big thing I want to achieve this year is creating some photo albums from my travels, turning my beautiful memories into books that I can look back on) 
4. Write more. Through the nature of my job and the way the industry is constantly changing, I would like to spend more of 2019 writing. Whether it’s a scrawl in a notebook, a blog post somewhere on the Internet or a press release for a client I’m excited to spend more of my time writing. 
5. Be a little more thankful. Thankful of where I am, thankful for the people around me and thankful for the life I am building for myself. 

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