A Night to Remember?

November 07, 2013

Two weeks ago on an average Saturday, well not an average Saturday, an extraordinary Saturday. Myself and many others were able to experience the most amazing concert. It was the One Direction concert. After much anticipation and counting down, the day was finally here, girls all over Australia were able to mark 'Concert Day' off their calendars, many of which had been counting down since '500 days to go'. Looking back now, I feel guilty that my eyes were not glued to the stage the entire time but sometimes you can't help but stare at the crowd, thousands of white lights and the entire audience dancing in sync.

The opening act, 5 Seconds of Summer were brilliant. They were completely different to what I had expected from them and it was a perfect way to get the crowd ready for the concert. During the break there was some dancing to the macarena and it's such a cultural contrast to see the same song played only a few days later in Japan and the crowd being completely silent. 

To be brutally honest it was the most amazing concert I have ever been to. Whether it was because I was surrounded  by my friends or because every moment felt like a dream. It is the most amazing feeling singing along to the songs which you know off-by-heart and hearing your voice become one in a million (not exactly sure how many people were there). To feel like you truly belong and can scream at the absolute top of your lungs because you know there will be judgement, perhaps from the mums around us but that's about it. 

My post-concert depression still hasn't set it, which is slightly concerning, but I guess even from the moment I got there to the last song and they disappeared from the stage, making my heart ache, it felt like a dream. They were not really there, were they? Though some parts of me are still in denial, the 200+ photos on my camera roll and the 10 videos say otherwise. 

These boys are honestly so amazing and if you are lucky enough to get the chance to go, grab it with both hands and do not, I repeat do not let go. It was honestly such an amazing night and even now I look back and laugh at how; after the show all our voices sounded like chipmunks, cringe at the off-key singing which have been captured in the videos taken by my phone, ignore the fact that in one part I did get a bit teary and honestly try and comprehend that it did happen. I am still trying to piece together the memories of that night and store them somewhere, permanently. 

No judgement until you attend a concert, and excuse the terrible quality of the photos from my phone. 

images taken by me on an iPhone 4.

The Small Square of Paper

October 20, 2013

So whilst cleaning my room today I discovered something, it was only a small piece of torn paper but it was the remains of a Friday night. This tiny square with the image of a can of soft drink on it was a witness, a souvenier and the keeper of my Friday night, along with the many photos, depicting the lovely faces of those blinded by the flash of his camera.  

Though it was only a drink token which I didn't even end up using, it made me think of the events of that night. Whether it be the terrible DJ, the even worse dance moves, the tired and sore feet (that might I add are still a little sore) or even just the fact that everyone looked so lovely all dressed up and having fun. 

Was this drink token witness to some acts that were regretted immensely the next morning. It may be a strange thing to think about but when you find concert tickets from that show or even a reciept from when you bought that purse you cannot deny that inanimate objects have a way of retaining memories. I guess that's why people keep treaure boxes and time capsules, to keep the memories from a better time. So they can look over this tiny bits of rubbish and tell their grandchildren about that time when that happened.

How times have changed.

September 22, 2013

To this day it still confuses how much things can change in only a small amount of time. Where it be environments, people, animals, anything really. Time is a wonderful thing, it can make you forget the past, including those cringe worthy moments where you had that hairstyle, where you said that thing that still embarrasses you five years later or even when you were head over heels in love, completely obsessed with that person. 

Time allows us to grow and change, view what has happened in the past and learn from it. In some cases time even repeats itself whether this be the remaking of legendary movies from your childhood or even just common trends in society. Time allows you to learn from your mistakes, something which is everyone should have at the top of the 'to do list.' Look back at those huge mistakes from the past and take a moment to smile and laugh at your stupidity, whether it be last week or even 10 years ago, then learn from it. Make a promise to yourself to never do that again. 

This image is a perfect example of time in action. These photos brought tears to my eyes. The first is the characters of Lucy Pevensie and Mr Tumnus in the 2005 film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The second was taken in 2013 and features Georgie Henley and James McAvoy. When viewed separately this photos just seem like two people taking a photo together, granted the first was in odder circumstances. Though when placed together it releases those emotions which make you yell from happiness and sob uncontrobaly at the same time. It other words it becomes something beautiful. 

Growing up this film meant a lot to me. It shows viewers that even in the darkest of times, when all hope is lost, somthing amazing happens which will change your life forever. Something so fantastic that no one would believe you if you told them and to this day it gives me hope that something wonderful like this will happen to me, nothing too big, just something simple that will have a huge impact on your life. Then in a few years I will look back at photos before this 'thing' happened to me. Laughing would definitely occur and then I would think to myself, how times have changed. 

The Novel.

September 16, 2013






There are two types of people…

this photo

im the ipad one

im both

this is seriously one of my faves

There's something special about the connection you make with a novel. Something amazing about being able to travel to a completely different world without leaving your bedroom. One of my favourite things to do is to curl up with a good book. Ever since I was little reading has been a huge passion of mine and I love to read more than anything. My books are the way I travel and escape because I've never left Australia and books enable you see the mean streets of New York without leaving the safety of your bedroom. I want to travel so badly and for the meantime my books are going to have to do. 

That's the thing about reading though, for me it's never a thing that I 'have to do.' You read because you want to, you read because you can, you read because you love it. Whether you enjoy a thriller novel, with murder around every corner or just the casual gay fanfiction on wattpad it doesn't matter as long as you are taking the time to read, to fall into the lives of these characters. To walk around their head, know their ambitions and desires, their hopes and dreams. That's something special about a novel, it gives you the ability to live the life of someone else, even though it's only for a short amount of time, it gives you an escape.  

I personally prefer to have a hard copy book in my hands. You can run your fingers over the pages, seeing the journey of the book, whether it be tear stains, tea stains and even the rare chocolate stain a book can tell you so much. You can see the damage to the cover from too many journies in the school bag. Where you can count the pages to the end and even skip forward to make sure your favourite character doesn't die. 

I used to believe that new books with no creases or crinkles were the most beautiful kinds of books, until someone told me that once of the saddest thing's they have to do as a librarian is to throw out the books that were never borrowed, still as new as they were when they were published. So now I believe the most beautiful books, like the most beautiful souls have some permanent damage and carry some baggage with them as they travel through their lifetime. 

The 12th Doctor

August 05, 2013

Today ladies and gentleman has been an extroidinary day.Yes that's right, the 5th of August or 4th depending on where you live will go down in history. It is  the day that Australians woke up at 4am, myself included, eagerly chatting to their friends five minutes before. Begging the current show to finish, to discover the latest thing, the shiny new toy. 

Today was the day the 12th Doctor was announced. I still have some mixed feelings about this guy, many people are shocked and disappointed, but I'm trying to stay positive. Let's not judge this guy till we can see what he can do. When the series re-started back in 2005 I missed Christopher (9th Doctor) and gradually began to watch David (10th Doctor) with my family. 10 was my Doctor, everyone has one and 10 was mine, every week we sat and watched, excited for the events to come! The adventures of 10 and Rose, 10 and Martha, 10 and Donna, 10 and Captain Jack. My favourite episode being 'The Girl in the Fireplace.' David Tennant was brilliant and when he left I was angry and sad and refused to watch Doctor Who, I had such negative feelings towards Matt (11th Doctor). Gradually I was convinved, so I tuned in at the 2012 Christmas Special, to see what this guy could do and you know what he was brilliant. 

To all 8 of the past Doctors: Thank you for introducing Doctor Who, each of you are brilliant and have done marvelous things for the BBC. I congratulate all of you for you amazing jobs and one day I will watch all of you. So thank you for introducing the amazing journeys of a man and his blue box.

To Christopher: Your job was one of the hardest, bringing back Doctor Who for a modern audience. You were a dark edgy Doctor who had so much to offer, with sass and charm, so I thank you. After watching your series you made me fall in love with Doctor Who again after leaving due to the arrival of Matt. Thank you for bringing it to a modern audience.

To David: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. You are my Doctor, my favourite Doctor. With style and brilliance and of course the fabulous hair. It makes me smile so much that you were a fan of Doctor Who growing up. Congratulations on living your dream and for setting such a big standard for future Doctors. Thank you for the adventures, the laughs and for being Scottish. You are a wonderful actor and I'm so sorry you left Doctor Who, your presence will forever be remembered. The suits and converse, the glasses, the emotion, the sonic screwdriver, the laughs, the pain and overall the brilliance of 10 will never be forgotten and for that I thank you. For introducing me to Doctor Who and I am so excited to see you in the 50th Anniversary.

To Matt: I am so happy you became the Doctor, you did wonderful things for Doctor Who and for anything I ever said, Matt I am truly sorry. You had big shoes to fill, and you did it. You were the true essence of the Doctor and for that I thank you, for the laughs, the tears and the joy that you have given to Whovians, I am truly sad that you will be leaving, but I wish you the best of luck and all future endevours. One last hurrah to the drunk giraffe.

To Peter: Good luck and I am so excited for what is to come, the costumes, the companions, the adventures. Ignore any criticism and show them what you can do. Let's see the essence of 12. 12 is my lucky number and I want it to be done well. Try not to swear too much and make sure you are best friends with Clara. So Peter, congratulations and I wish you the best of luck for the seasons to come.

Favourite TV Show: Dance Academy

July 30, 2013

Everyone has that one special show. The one that makes you laugh, the one that makes you cry and the one that you practicaly beg to fall into. So for my first official post I'm sharing with you my favourite show, you will gradually learn more about my obsession with fictional characters and television shows. 

So today's post is about Dance Academy. Dance Academy is an Australain television show currently finishing it's last season, there has previously been 2 others. The show started in 2010 and I have been addicted ever since, following the story of Tara, Christian, Kat, Abigail, Ethan, Sammy, Ben, Ollie and Grace. Dance Academy has been a journey and I can't believe it will be over soon, even though I'm not a dancer I am completely obsessed and I don't want to end, my emotional attachment may not take it.

Dance Academy follows the story of dancers attedning the National Academy of Dance, the sites in which they filmed the Academy may not be the real National Academy but that did not stop me from posing and taking photos on the places where the show was set, soaking in everything that has happened along those streets, desperately wishing with all my heart that one of the characters would happen to stroll along the edge of Sydney Harbour on their way to class. 

The National Academy is like the last 3 years of High School so you do year 10, 11 and 12 at the Academy as well as dancing. The group experiences so much and through their ups and downs we see how their friendships and relationships strengthen and how they face everything that happens in their lives. Do not beleive any social stigma that this is a children's show, it's lies I tell you. Fall in love with the characters, take a minute to view the breathtaking beauty of Sydney and admire the dancers, the dancing and the marvel that is Dance Academy. 


July 29, 2013

Welcome to my blog. My name is Lauren and well welcome. I'm not 100% sure what I'm meant to write here but thank you for stumbling on my blog and I hope you stay.