
A really hot day we spent in a museum.

September 29, 2014

"For me, the fantastic is in daily life; real life is more extroidinary than all of the imagination." - Annette Messager 

So as I mentioned yesterday my friend and I went to the city (sorry that's Sydney by the way I keep forgetting the whole world doesn't call it the city) on Monday and took a ton of pictures so I thought I would share some of my favourites with you. We mainly spent the day wandering around and relaxing, but pictures are of course essential!
Also please check out Jeneane's photography blog HERE because she is incredibly talented and her pictures remind me of the happiest of happy days.

Mini City Haul.

September 29, 2014

"Try to make at least one person happy every day." - Lawrence G. Lovasik

I honestly had such a wonderful day today and it was such a great break from study to spend in the city with one of the best people I know, Jeneane! So after such a great day I'm in the best mood and  thought I would share some of the little bits and pieces I picked up! Also definitely check out tomorrow's post for the pictures we took! 

So first we went into Priceline and because I have been buying a few more pricey things lately we stuck to the cheaper makeup section. 
I bought: 
- Essence XXXL Longlasting Lipgloss (matt effect) in '05 Velvet Rose' - $4.10
- Essence Colour and Go Nail Polish in '146 that's what I mind' - $2.00 
- Essence Lipliner in '08 Red Blush' - $1.80

We then went to the Museum of Contemporary Art and took a ton of photos, so definitely check out tomorrow's post for those pictures!
I bought: 
- Small Blue Notebook - $3.95
- Badges(x2) - $2.00 each
- 'Chance' Postcard - $2.00

We then continued back to Pitt Street Mall and there was a street artist drawing pictures in the middle of the mall. He also had photocopies his drawings so that we could take on for free, which is where the drawing of the Koala is from. 

Then if you live in Sydney you will definitely have heard and/or seen the band Winterbourne. They have been busking in Sydney for as long as I can remember and it always makes my city days so much better when they are there. So when we noticed that they had finished their set and were sitting down I struck up a bit of courage and went to see if they had any copies of their CD left. I have been dying to get my hands on one for the longest time and it was only $10! 
I will leave all their links below but they were such lovely guys and they are also so incredibly talented and if you're ever in Sydney I definitely recommend heading down to Pitt Street Mall and giving these guys a listen and picking up their EP! 

Winterbourne Links: 


Note: Image is taken by me on my iPhone 4 - hence the poor quality, sorry!

The Little Things.

September 28, 2014

"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen." - John Wooden

I've been a bit stuck for things to write about lately, which is why I'm posting twice today and not on Saturday. Though whilst racking my brain thinking of something I could write about, I decided to have a scroll through Facebook, desperate for inspiration, when I noticed that some of my friends had uploaded the cover photo picture for their 18th Birthday Party. It was a beautiful image of  some fairy lights and it just got me thinking about the little things in life. I don't know why these fairy lights seemed to have such a big impact on me, but they did and that's what inspired today's post.

When I talk about the little things I don't literally mean the things that are small in size, but rather the little things which can completely change your day. For me this can often come from people, and I know I write about people a lot, but i really think that the things people do and say have such a major impact on your day. 

I try to think of the little things in regard to the positive things that can have an affect on your day rather than the negative things. There is no denying it, that if someone does something small which is really awful it can really ruin your day which really does show the power of 'the little thing.'

As I'm writing this post there are a million little things that have happened to me recently which have made my day whether it be a warm cuddle from a loving friend when you're not doing great or whether it be a beautiful message from someone you love. 

When I think about how much little things can change my day, I try as hard as I possibly can to try and do as many little things as I can to make someone else's day, because it's honestly one of the greatest feelings. On my last day of High School my beloved homeroom and I had exchanged messages, and one of the parts of their message was "we will always remember your 'good morning everyone's' when you walk into homeroom" and right now I'm almost tearing up at the thought of this beautiful message, but it really does show that something so small, like the way I greet people in the morning actually did have an impact on these someone else's lifes and I think that's going to stick with me for the rest of my life. 

So today try and do something small, give someone a compliment, smile at a stranger or even just tell someone you love them, because it's indescribable how such small and somewhat insignificant little things can really change someone's day. 


Ps. You either have THIS song or THIS song stuck in your head right now. 


My Dream Hair.

September 28, 2014

long ombre hair. So tempted to color my virgin, black, long hair! - Beauty Darling

This is just a little posts with some pictures which I one day would love my hair to look like. I am obsessed with the ombre blonde look for brown hair and I am dying to get mine done and after a while of being ombre blonde I think I would like to change it up for a bit and go for some more crazy ends. From what I've been looking at I'm loving the pastel pink look!

On the Outside Looking In.

September 26, 2014

"You will never understand someone's struggle of standing on the outside looking in." - Unknown

Today, I was outside with my dog and I heard our neighbor's dog whining behind me. Sometimes I feel really bad, because I take every opportunity I can to play with my dog. If she can manage it, she's always with me. She sleeps on the end of my bed and on the floor next to me whilst I study, but this post is really inspired by the other dog more than my own. You can see her little black face peering through the face and sometimes I wonder, if in her little doggy brain she is jealous. These are just from my own personal observations but her owners play with her as much as we play with my dog. Granted everyone gets busy and works from time to time, but I do feel bad. This is where this idea comes from, the idea of being like that little black dog, watching from behind the fence, or behind the glass and feeling like you don't belong. 

I guess everyone gets this feeling from time to time and I think it's quite similar to that feeling you get when you're sitting with a group of people and you know that no one would notice whether you were there or not. No one would notice if you sunk into the ground, because in your head, you think that no one notices you're even sitting there right now.  It's as though there's a piece of glass and no matter how hard you push against it, you can't get through. It doesn't matter if you kick or throw rocks at it, the people on the other side are oblivious to you trying to break down the wall, trying to get in.

If you're still struggling to understand what I'm describing, try imagining yourself as Peter Pan, watching the girl you love, Wendy, live happily with your family. You're sitting near the window looking in. You know you have a connection with her but deep down you know that no matter how hard both by parties try, you'll never quite fit right. You're the rectangle peg that will just not go in the circle hole, no matter how hard you push.

When I think about it, this idea is displayed in most children's movies but when you take away the glamour that Disney often gives the feeling of isolation and you take a minute to put yourself in their shoes, I find it quite a confronting and awful feeling. Sadly, I am no stranger to this feeling, and don't get me wrong, I have wonderful friends who include me in everything they do but sometimes you just stop, and stare. You stare at your friends or even strangers laughing and you begin to wonder, why aren't I laughing, how come I'm not included in this conversation.

The absolute best thing about being on the outside is when someone reaches their hand out and draws you in. They reach through that dreaded glass and suddenly it all dissolves and you're there and you're included and you're no longer standing on the outside looking in.


Ps. THIS is the song that's now stuck in your head.


She's such a Badass.

September 24, 2014

"I'm just living my life, and I'm not gonna live my life for other people." Taylor Momsen

{Taylor Momsen appreciation post}

Lately one of my obsession's is the band 'The Pretty Reckless' and the absolute badass of a lead singer, Taylor Momsen. Many of you would know Taylor from her role as Lucy Lou Who on the Grinch and Little J/Jenny Humphrey on Gossip Girl.

When comparing the pictures on the side to the picture above you can see that Taylor has grown up quite a lot. Though when I was looking for pictures to put in this blog post I found quite a few people saying really awful things about Taylor. It got me thinking a lot about the nature of child stars today and how if any actor or actress changes something about themselves from the person they were they are described as a "bad role model," crazy or the common "she's gone off the rails." Isn't there something wrong with society if the actors and actresses that we worshiped as children are checking into rehab and suffering greatly. Now before you make assumptions and begin to hit that button criticising me for what I'm saying, just hold off for one minute and let me finish. What I'm saying is that there's nothing wrong with the child actor/actress themselves checking into rehab or suffering from a mental and/or physical illness, there is something wrong with our society that a person's moment of weakness is splashed across the front page of every magazine and the gossip section of our newspapers. Sure we can blame society for bad things happening to people but what really upsets me is the fact that people are not able to recover in peace. We have become so nosey that we must know everything about a person's private life and this often worsens their condition and leads to the loss of so many of the world's great talents. In effect this could mean that because our society must know everything is it our fault that so many stars feel so much pressure and are not able to recover?

Okany anyway back to the appreciation of Taylor, sorry that got real deep real quick.

Taylor is one of those stars like Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez. She was depicted as the perfect daughter at the start of Gossip Girl, keeping her nose clean (just warning may be a couple spoilers coming up) being an overall top kid, but as you continue to watch the show her character evolves greatly into something more like her actual self due to the pressure of society to be something that she was not. Like these pre-mentioned actresses and singers it is often hard to shake the role that you had when you were a teenager, which means that people often become typecast and when they try to be themselves people cannot stop comparing them to their character, even though they may have been nothing like this when they were playing that role. I can't speak on anyone if these peoples behalves, but I feel like this is what is happening.

For me, Taylor is a major inspiration. She has broken out of the character that has somewhat defined how people would expect her to be and has become her own person. Her band the 'The Pretty Reckless' has fast become one of my favourite bands and Taylor herself just has this aura and attitude about her where she doesn't give a damn what people think of her and I think sometimes we all need a bit of that.

Everyone's Growing Up.

September 23, 2014

"Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I'm glad for that."
Matched - Ally Condie

When I look back on the past year, it's scary to think how much happened. How much we survived. How much a person can grow in one year, both emotionally and physically. During our final assembly as year twelves we had a PowerPoint presentation where we reenacted photos from our past and it's really weird to think that I've seen a whole bunch of girls grow up. 
We've been together through thick and thin and we aren't the girls in in the original photos, and I don't mean because braces have been removed and fringes have grown out. I mean that we have grown emotionally and that we have matured into young women. Yes, I know it's been said a million times but we really have grown from girls to women and no matter how many times I'm told it never seems to set in. 

I don't know about everyone else but I cannot stop thinking about how much we've grown up, and you know I'm really sorry for the nostalgic nature of my posts lately but I have had so many questions floating around my head all week, and it really hit me when on Sunday when I realised that Saturday night was my last High School Party. 

As I don't drink I do a lot of thinking at parties, which is a weird thought, but it's true. While your friend mumbles incoherently next to you, you begin to question your own decisions and question if you made the right choice. At this particular party someone said to me that it's rare you find people our age who don't drink, this thus added to the million other thoughts that were pouring through my head that night. Is it that weird that people don't drink? Is drinking all it's cracked up to be? Why do people drink? 

So whilst pondering the very nature of the teenage experience I began to think that most of the people at this party, I had known since I was eleven years old. Six years of my life has led up to this moment. The moment where I'm sitting by the fire, chiming in and out of conversation and watching the girls who I've known for a decent amount of my life party and have fun. 

You know, I really do love parties where you forget about everything for the night, but after that particular party all I could think of is how times have changed. Half the people here will go to university next year or shoot off and travel the globe. Someone might become famous, someone might save the world and hopefully, we'll all live our dreams. I know it's cliche but how cool would it be if everyone got to live their dreams and do what they always wanted to do. 

It's scary to think how different your life could be if your parents had another dream that they weren't able to fulfil. Is even scarier to think that one stage our parents were this age, they were looking around at parties and thinking how much their friends have grown up. 

This year a lot of things have happened in regard to friendships, both new and old. If any of my friends are reading this I just want you to know that I am so incredibly proud of how much you've grown over the past six years. Especially this year, I have noticed more and more ways that the people around me have changed and the wonderful things that they have done. 
At the start of this year one of my friends who I have only ever heard sing in the shower (long story) sung in front of the whole entire school. She sung with the voice of an angel and I could not be prouder of her courage, grace and beauty. She is so very talented and I cannot believe that one of my friends had such a beautiful voice inside of her. When she stepped out on that stage we joined hands and held our breath, overwhelmed with a feeling of pride (and shock), knowing that the person singing up there was our friend. The girl who I did debating with in year seven and the girl who I know I can rely on for anything. To be real with you, I would honestly kill for an EP or an album with her name on the front, but hey, watch this space because I will be promoting the hell out of her and her music, because I know that big things are going to come her way. 

On our graduation day whilst I waited for my name to be called I could hear the names of the girls I have known for six years and the wonderful things that they have achieved and though some may have been sitting in the audience, jealous of what others have done, I was more in awe. I was in awe over the fact that a lot of these people have had terrible things happen to them, and if they could graduate high school, through everything that has happened to them then I think that I'll be just fine.

To anyone who has absolutely no idea what I'm talking about in this post, I'm sorry for wasting your time but I cannot stop thinking about the overwhelming sense of pride that I feel for my friends and the things they have achieved. 

To my friends I just want you to know how unbelievably and indescribably proud I am of you, sorry I keep saying it, but I can't stop. You've all grown so much into the beautiful people who I've come to know and love. Every single one of you has matured and you inspire me everyday to be better than I am and work harder than what I do. 

To my fellow year twelves, who I may not know as well as my close friends, I just want to congratulate you as well on everything that we have achieved this year, not only as individuals but as a grade. 
Congratulations class of 2014 we did it. 


September 22, 2014


September 22, 2014

"I like flaws, I think they make things interesting."
The Truth About Forever - Sarah Dessen

Everyone in this world has flaws, the flaws that are seen by others or the flaws that are seen by ourselves. We often look at people and pick out their flaws, the same thing we do ourselves when we stand in the mirror. This needs to be longer, that needs to be thinner. There is always something that we are picking at. 

Whilst there is somewhat nothing wrong with picking out these flaws, in a modern society it's almost impossible to not. It's when you start sharing your opinions on people's flaws is when it becomes wrong. 

There is an old saying that countless mothers have told to countless children over countless years; "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". No matter how juvenile this idea may seem it is very true and very applicable in today's society.

There is absolutely no need, ever, to point out someone's flaws. Take a moment to think how you would feel if someone took your deepest insecurity and wrote about it an a nasty comment on something that you had posted online. How would you feel if you knew that people were whispering behind your back about your deepest insecurities. How would you feel if someone came straight up to your face and told you straight out that they thought that something was wrong with you because there was something different about you.

Take a moment to think about how you would feel if someone did any of these things to you, it's not a nice feeling is it? 

Someone once told me that if you can pick out someone's flaws you can use them to protect yourself, whilst at the time of this conversation I thought hey this a great idea, I'll never be picked on again. Now I think about it, sure that person was right, it can be used as a way of protection it can also be used as a way to control someone, and that's never a good thing. 

When I think about this exact conversation, and the fact that we disused certain girls flaws and how we could use them against them disgusts me. What was my younger self thinking. Just because a few people had said a few mean things, I, and anyone in this society for that matter should not have the opinion that in order to make ourselves feel better we have to point out other peoples flaws and insecurities, for a lack of a better phrase, putting them down. 

Granted this conversation was a few years ago, but I worry if girls actually out this theory into practice. I look back on my past self, ashamed that I had this conversation, but I can look back with pride knowing that even though I still today see the flaws in people, I have and never will tell the person that I can see these flaws or that people are acknowledging their existence. We have no right as students, colleagues or friends have no right to say to someone 'hey you have a flaw.' 

I worry greatly for society if there are girls on busses right now having the same conversation I had, and I worry even more over the fact that some girls, can choose to take a different path from myself and use this stupid and cruel theory to protect themselves or to make themselves feel better. 

Picking out someone's flaws is never okay. Using someone's flaws to make them feel bad about themselves is never okay. Allowing someone to make insecure because of your flaws is never okay. 

Eleanor Roosevelt once said "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent". Every person should think about this when someone makes a cruel comment, when someone says something mean and when someone points out your flaws you have to remember this beautiful saying.
You must remember it, even if you have to stick it on your mirror or repeat it to yourself before you walk out the door every day. 

You are beautiful and you cannot let anyone tell you otherwise.
Wear you flaws with pride because without them, you wouldn't be you.



September 21, 2014

"Don't aim for success if you want it: just do what you love and believe in, and it will come in naturally." - David Frost

Today, the little blog I write about everything and nothing hit 1000 views. To some I know this doesn't seem like a huge amount, but to me, this is incredible.

I have tried and failed many times to keep a hand-written journal or diary, but over the past week, I am beginning to see this blog more and more like a diary, except one that I publish, one that the entire world can read if they so choose. It sort of motivates me in some ways to write more. The tiny bit of hope in me, that someone out there enjoys what I write, and right now that's enough for me.

When I think about it, it's an odd feeling that people who I have never met know that my name is Lauren. People who I have never met know that I'm a teenager and people who I have never met know that I am scared shitless for the future. I know it may seem weird or unconventional to some that I'm allowing you to read and know such deep and intimate things about me, like my personal thoughts but you know, everyone has a voice, so why shouldn't I share mine. 

I know the coming weeks will be hard, with final exams approaching faster then ever, but I am determined to write here, every day. Even if it's only a small post on my phone, I will do my best to share what's happening in my life with you and most importantly to keep writing. It's kind of lame, but I do really enjoy writing these stupid reflective thoughts were I just let my mind flow. Which, fun fact is known as stream of consciousness writing.

So, to anyone who has ever journeyed to my little corner of the internet, I thank you. It's not much, but I can offer you my thanks. 


People Always Leave.

September 21, 2014

"Is it me? Am I the reason people always leave? Am I the reason all these things keep happening to me? Maybe I'm just destined to be alone." 
One Tree Hill - Peyton Sawyer

One of the most relatable, strongest and admirable characters I have ever come across is One Tree Hill's Peyton Sawyer, played by Hilarie Burton. Until I started watching this show, I had never found someone who I had been through so much and who was so incredibly strong, even though Peyton leaves the show I will always remember her strength, loyalty and overall ability to overcome anything that was thrown at her.

The picture above is one of the artworks that Peyton did, she uses her artwork to express herself and this one depicts one of her mottos; "people always leave" and for me, this is one of the reasons why Peyton is so relatable, because when I take time to reflect on my life, it is true, people always leave. This motto is one of the reasons why Peyton is so strong, she thought that because so many people had left that she had only herself to rely on and this strength is something that I really admire, it reminds me of my own strength. It reminds me of everything that I have gone through in my life and the fact that I have always come out on top.

When discussing this idea with my friend Nicole she said "people don't actually leave Peyton, they just leave. You can't control people, sometimes they just leave and it has nothing to do with you". Even though this is very true, there is always that little voice inside your head that tells you "it was you, you drove them away" and no matter what you do, sometimes the little voice is louder than the one telling you that it was a long time ago and that things have changed since then, even if that voice is screaming at the top of its lungs.

Some days are darker than others, and on those dark days you have to remember the special things that made a good day good. The moments when someone greets you unexpectedly at a party, or when you receive a lot of compliments about a new hairstyle. There is always something good to find in each day and you have to find something that inspires you.

Another character once said that "every dancer knows that being technically perfect isn't enough. We need to know we we dance. For me it's to be connected. I'm inspired by my friends." Even though I'm not a dancer this quote really hits hard to home because the people around me really do inspire me, in every aspect of my life and I am so thankful that I have these people around me who haven't left. The people like Brooke, Haley, Nathan and Lucas who didn't leave.

Sure sometimes people leave, but you know, sometimes they stay.




Listen to some tunes.

September 19, 2014

"Music is a wolrd within itself, a language we all understand."
- Stevie Wonder

When I was finishing my last week of school, my friend Jeneane and I decided to make each other mix CDs. She created one to celebrate my graduation and I created one of some of the most motivational songs I could think of, to aid her through the next year. So as there is no other greater gift than the gift of music, enjoy. 

1. Work Bitch - Britney Spears - \m/
2. Eye of the Tiger - Survivor - \m/
3. We Are the Champions - Queen - \m/ 
4. Don't Stop Believin' - Journey - \m/
5. It's My Life - Bon Jovi - \m/
6. Heroes - David Bowie - \m/
7. Scream - Troy Bolton/Zac Efron - \m/
8. Hall of Fame - The Script - \m/
9. The Goonies are Good Enough - Cyndi Lauper - \m/
10. All Star - Smash Mouth - \m/
11. I Don't Wanna Be - Gavin De Graw - \m/
12. 18 - 5 Seconds of Summer - \m/
13. Word Up - Little Mix (cover) - \m/
14. Beautiful Day - U2 - \m/
15. Viva La Vida - Coldplay or One Direction Cover - \m/
16. Smile - The Vamps - \m/
17. Good Thymes - Ray Charles (Oprio Remix) - \m/
18. Best Song Ever - One Direction - \m/

So that is my little collection of some of my favourite motivational songs, I hope you enjoy and feel a little bit more motivated today. 



September 19, 2014

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference." 
The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost 

There are always decisions in life and right now I'm finding there is a lot of decisions to be made really soon. At the age of 16-19 you're supposed to decide what you want to do with your life and the career you are supposed to do. It's scary. It's really, really scary and I don't think that anyone besides 16-19 year olds know how scary it is to realise that the person who hides a packet of biscuits in their room for later is going to decide what you're going to do for the rest of your life. 

There are also decisions to make in regard to friends and family and even what you are going to do with your money and life savings.  
People are constantly asking you to make choices whether it be chocolate or strawberry, the simpler decisions in life or which course you want to do at University or even if you don't will or will not go to University. 

I don't know why I'm having these thoughts this week, but I guess graduating from High School really makes you think, WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE. 
Right now it's midday on Saturday - just after my graduation week and I'm thinking about life. Whether it's the existential crisis' or the fact that I really need to clean my room so I can buy more things to put in it. 

I'm watching a TV right now and in this show the character must choose whether he wants to give up his dream to save his friend. These, these are the hard decisions in life, the choices that force us to question every single part of of our being, and even though this show is fictional it really makes you think that there are people out there who are facing much harder decisions, it makes you think yours are insignificant.  

My wise Extension English teacher once told our class that if we thought our poor HSC trials marks were the end of the world, then we needed to rethink our lives, because there are so many more things to be upset about and so many more things which should be concerning us, rather than our own selfish desires. 

So today, on this absolutely ordinary Saturday, I don't know about you, but I'll be trying to remind myself that I am not the centre of the universe and that my selfish desires mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. I hope you have the most wonderful of Saturdays and if you're struggling through a tough time right now, I want you to remember, I'm not thinking about my selfish desires right now - I'm trying to think of you or someone else who needs my prayers. 
