Sweater Weather.
October 19, 2014
So even though it's Spring in Australia it is Autumn and coming up Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, so I thought I would find some super cute sweaters online and put together a post! I hope you enjoy and stay cuddled up because there is nothing I hate more then being cold.

I actually feel like this picture is photo shopped because Harry's head is quite blurry compared to the body but I just think it's such a lovely sweater on both a guy or a girl and the pattern is so simple. I really love this and I will be keeping my eye out for something similar.

This sweater doesn't look very warm, cuddly or fluffy but many of you probably know New York is my dream destination and I would really love to own something like this. The sheer sleeves give this somewhat of a chic and sleek feel. I also love how the city is black and white and the Taxi Cabs are bright yellow, I think it just adds a pop of colour and makes it look really individual.

This sweater is super baggy and looks so so so incredibly comfy. It's a 3/4 sleeve and looks so soft. I think this is more of an Autumn sweater rather than a Winter sweater unless your Winters are quite warm as the model has put a striped top underneath. The chunky turtle neck at the top makes this look really unique and I just love how cute and girly this is, and it's also really can be dressed up or down which makes it such a versatile sweater.
This is such a cute stripey sweater, I really love the little diamond-style cut out bits (I don't know how else to describe this) and I feel like this sweater is one of the uniquest ones I have seen as there are so many different types of sweater thrown into one, if you get what I mean. I also love the really wide neck as well, as some sweaters can irritate my skin if they are super tight around the neck. It just looks really comfy and baggy and just an overall comfy sweater!

I saw this sweater and I immediately thought of my friend Lauren (not me my friend Lauren, I swear). This is sort of more of a jersey style sweater rather than a woolly one, but the little giraffe really brightens up the sweater. I also think the little zips are so so cute and make the sweater really individual. This just looks super warm and comfy and I sort of really want to buy one for Lauren and then go back and buy one for me.

This sweater is actually quite different to the previous one as it is a really think and chunky sweater. It looks like a really thick wool and actually looks so warm. The pattern around the neck is sort of tighter and looks so warm and cuddely, though what really caught my eye about this sweater is the little suede-like patches. It reminds me of a little University Professor's blazer with the little patches and I really want to buy this sweater,

My friend Carra actually has this sweater and every time she sends a Snapchat or posts a selfie in it I get really jealous because I really want this, even though I would never be able to wear it as Christmas unless I wanted to die of heat exhaustion, but it reminds me so much of Home Alone and if you haven't seen that movie please go watch it now, I promise you won't regret it and it will put you in such a Christmas mood!

This sweater reminds me so much of the sweater that Steve Martin wore when he played Tom Baker in Cheaper By the Dozen, and if you haven't seen this movie watch it because it honestly can brighten up any mood and I could watch this a thousand times over. The sweater itself is so so Christmassy and festive and I kind of want to go somewhere cold and wear this at Christmas. It looks super warm and comfy and I want this please.

This is another jersey style sweater and if you do not get this joke please GO AND WATCH MEAN GIRLS, also known as the most quotable movie ever. This is another super Christmassy one which sadly being an Australian I could never wear at Christmas, but I would like this in T-shirt form! I cannot tell if this is warm and super thick or just a more thin, jersey-style material but I do think that anyone who loves Meal Girls would love and wear this sweater.

This is the final sweater and it's just a nice burgundy colour and I just thought it looks super slouchy and comfy. The white pattern gives it a more dressy feel and this is really right up my alley and I could see myself wearing this so much in Winter.
I hope you enjoyed this post and inspired you Northern Hemisphere inhabitants to go and buy some super cute Winter sweaters and get in the mood to snuggle up with a hot chocolate. I was actually inspired to write this post because as I'm sitting here it's so cloudy and overcast and I'm wrapped up with my dressing gown and slippers in front of the fire, Australia, is it Winter again? If so, I would have liked a lot more notice to go and buy some more sweaters.
Note: I do not own any of these images.